Moving Out So We Can Move Up – A Change in Address Checklist

Moving Out So We Can Move Up – A Change in Address Checklist

Moving is inevitable when your house hacking your way to financial independence. In fact, we predict we’ll have moved a total of seven times before we settle down into our “forever home” a few years from now. To supercharge our savings rate, The Troop and 

15 Things to Expect When Doing a DIY Renovation

15 Things to Expect When Doing a DIY Renovation

The Troop and I have been homeless for the past four months. Okay, that’s an exaggeration. We’ve been staying with his parents. But we’ve been without our own home for that long. Please follow and like us:

The One Thing No One Tells You About House Hacking

The One Thing No One Tells You About House Hacking

House hacking is a great way to get started in real estate investing. You get all of the benefits of owning a home (tax write-offs, low mortgage interest rates) as well as the advantages of having a rental property (rental income, more tax write-offs). Unlike